Welcome to Cork anti poverty resource network (CAPRN)
Who are we?
Cork anti poverty resource network are a community-based organisation that aim to encourage and empower individuals to become active agents in shaping their own lives and communities. Currently, CAPRN is responsible for five Cork community-based projects, which consist of:
• Write Together: Adult Literacy Scheme.
• Mná Feasa: Domestic Violence Project.
• Women Supporting Women: A Mentoring Programme for Women Parenting Alone.
• Páisti @ No.3: Childcare facility.
• Cork City North Mature Women’s Action Group: Collective of Mature women working towards change.
The Network itself runs on a voluntary basis by multiple Board members who combined, have over 250 years of direct experience working with people in the community!
Our Projects
Mná Feasa’s Domestic Violence Project. You don't need a bruise....to be abused. Helpline 021-4211757.
Educational support to learners wishing to better their reading, writing, maths & computer skills.
Páistí @No.3 aims to provide a safe, secure and stimulating environment, which embraces all children and their parents.
Women Supporting Women. A mentoring & support programme for women parenting alone.
The Cork City North Mature Women's Action Group. Older women's rights are Human Rights!
Mission Statement
‘’Cork Anti-Poverty Resource Network works towards creating a new society of equality. CAPRN advocates for respect between all people and nations; equal access to the resources of the communities in which we live in – social, cultural, physical and economic. CAPRN works in a way which, by our own practice in terms of commitment, clarity, generosity and mutual sharing, creates a process and role modelling among working class, marginalized people, who are at the core of what our project is about.’’
Get Involved
Please feel free to contact us
To make an appointment, Request a Call Back or a general query, please fill in the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.